
Bookgab: Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley's Words in Deep Blue is a moving modern-day love letter to literature. I honestly fell in love with the book after chapter two once I realised that the beauty of her prose effortlessly found its way onto every single page. There were so many quotable sections...

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Bookgab: Not if I save you first by Ally Carter

Ally Carter is known for her contemporary teenage spy novels. Not if I save you first, is no exception in this regard ...

Listen to these excerpts to find your next driving buddy

If it wasn't for audiobooks and the freedom it gives me when I'm driving, in the shower, cooking and cleaning... I ...

Top 8 best Aries book recs

Aries are complicated humans, in our adult forms we still resemble toddlers with bigger trousers, but even smaller ...

5 secret tips that keep writers motivated

Contrary to popular belief, writing is extremely difficult. There's a reason why so many people express an interest or ...

Bookgab: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Children of blood and bone is like the movie I never knew I needed to see to feel whole until I actually sat down and ...

What to read based on your favourite Youtube channel

Youtubers have become the new 'reality stars' of this generation. Billions of people sit down to watch short clips of ...